Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Colorado is Home to the Best American Brown Ales of 2014

What comes to mind when you think of the brown ale style of beer? If a brown ale sounds boring to you, perhaps you're doing it all wrong. American craft brewers have taken this malty traditional English style and put their own stamp on it, often with a larger dose of hops. The American brown ale is an underrated and versatile style, easily paired with a broad range of foods and enjoyable during any time of the year. It's also easy to find some excellent brown ales to try. In fact, Colorado is home to the American brown ales that were judged to be the best at the 2014 Great American Beer Festival. The gold medal went to Face Down Brown Ale from Telluride Brewing Company, silver went to Braggarts Brown Ale from Diebolt Brewing Company, and bronze went to my personal favorite, Upslope Brewing's Brown Ale.

As with many American craft beer styles, some characteristics of American brown ales can vary or be interpreted by the brewer in different ways. Telluride considers its Face Down Brown to be a hybrid between an English and American brown ale, while I'd say Upslope Brown Ale, at 6.7 percent ABV and with a more pronounced bitterness, is a firm American example. Regardless of specifics, an American brown ale should be dark and roasty, with an aroma and flavors of chocolate, toffee, and toast, but not as roasty or full-bodied as a porter. A good American brown ale should also be balanced and not overly sweet, and very drinkable.

Telluride Brewing has been in operation for only four years, but Face Down Brown can be found throughout many parts of Colorado. Here's what you can expect if you get your hands on a can of it or find it on draft. The beer pours a dark brown color with a thin head of foam. It has a rich, inviting aroma of chocolate, caramel, toffee, and honey - a nice preview for delicious flavors of the same kind. There's enough hop presence to add a bit of spiciness and a slight bitterness. Face Down Brown finishes very smooth, with a lingering flavor resembling brown sugar, some roasted malt, and a nutty character.

Whether you lean more toward hops or malt in your beer styles, there's no denying that Face Down Brown and its fellow GABF winning beers deliver the kinds of flavors that are easily enjoyed. Explore the dark but mellow flavors that make the American brown ale style so delicious and approachable.

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