Thursday, January 30, 2014

Avery Takes Strong Beers to the Next Level

There are big beers, and there are HUGE beers. Uncle Jacob's Stout from Avery Brewing Company in Boulder is an absolutely huge beer that packs loads of strength, character and flavor. This bourbon barrel imperial stout is a special release beer that's part of Avery's Annual Barrel Series. It's named for Jacob Spears, an ancestor of the Averys, who is said to be the first distiller to call his whiskey "bourbon."

Adam Avery started Avery Brewing Company in 1993, and has built the brewery into one of Colorado's very best. Avery's bold and innovative approach to brewing has produced many wonderful stronger beers that cover a variety of styles. Depending on their names and stories, these beers fall into the categories of The Dictator Series, The Holy Trinity of Ales, The Demons of Ale, and the Annual Barrel Series. Avery's standard line-up of more sessionable beers and other seasonal releases are outstanding as well.

A friend gave me a bottle of Uncle Jacob's Stout toward the end of 2013, and I cracked it open this week. The beer pours a deep black color with a thin head. The aroma exudes chocolate, bourbon and black licorice. The taste is decadent and complex, with sweet flavors like chocolate, bourbon and vanilla coming forth in force. The beer, which checks in at 16.53% ABV, by the way, was aged for six months in bourbon barrels. This aging process is apparent in every aspect of the beer, but the bourbon charactor doesn't overwhelm it. Despite a slight bit of alcohol burn, this stout is incredibly smooth for its strength. It's a sipper that's perfect for enjoying over the course of an hour or two on a cold winter night.


  1. You sold me on this one, I will have to try this one soon

  2. Definitely, Dale! I just read that Avery is having its release party for this beer on Sunday, Feb. 9. There may be few places to find it besides at the brewery.
